The temperatures are climbing, trees and bushes are donning their new green spring coats, lawnmowers are firing up for the first time after a long winter. That can only mean one thing: Spring has sprung!
With the renewal that spring brings, following suit with your landscaping chores is, or at least should be, at the front of your mind. Here are a few landscaping tips to get the outside of your home ready to enjoy.
First stop is your perennial beds – good examples of these are your ornamental grasses, butterfly bushes and spireas. Depending on the plant, a good rule of thumb is to cut these back to between 2” and 8” from the soil.
Conversely, you’ll want to hold off pruning some of your flowering bushes like your lilacs, forsythia, magnolias or azaleas. Plan to prune these in late spring or early summer instead,
Moving on to your mulch…be sure to thicken up the mulch in your beds and around your trees to at least three inches but no more than four. This helps to maintain moisture, control weeds, prevents soil erosion, adds insulation over the roots and above all, beautifies your landscape. Be sure your mulch lies flat and isn’t lying against the trees or shrubs. Also – mulch rings around your trees and shrubs will prevent damage from your mower and weed eater.
Don’t neglect your trees! Remove dead and dying branches, crossing branches and sprouts growing at the base of your trees. Trees are very valuable assets to your landscape – not only because of the beauty they provide, but also because they act as wind breakers, provide shade and help to hold soil in place. Keep in mind that Arbor Day is April 28th – celebrate by planting a tree!